If your study visa has been denied in the past or you are currently planning to study abroad, this is for you! Read this before you carry on with your next study visa application!
There are many possible reasons why one’s study visa is denied. If these reasons are not identified and corrected immediately, they could be the reason why your next application may also be denied.
We have highlighted some of the recurrent reasons why many students’ Visa application gets denied. Future applicants and reapplying students should take note of these points.

Choice of Study Program
If your proposed study program is not in line with your previous studies, this will raise a red flag in your application. Your qualifications or your work experience must tally with the study program indicated in your application. The consul wants to see a correlation between your educational background or career line and your proposed study program.
Country of Origin
As a student looking to study abroad, your country of origin is a very important factor. Nationality stands as a crucial factor in the acceptance or denial of your study visa application. Those from politically stable and economically developed countries stand a better chance of getting their study visa approved. Whereas, students from underdeveloped countries do not have much of an upper hand in this.

Relatives in the country you are applying to
This has been of major concern to many students seeking to study abroad. Some applicants get denied based on family ties they do not know of. A relative’s mode of entry, stay or personal record in the country can influence the decision to strike out one’s application. It could also be a reason for your study visa to be granted. Moreover, failure to disclose ties (relatives) in the country will automatically be seen as material misrepresentation. This stands as a good ground for disqualification.

This is very common in situations of false academic qualifications, missing qualifications due to university oversight, or the applicant’s carelessness. This could happen when a consul decides to look into an applicant’s qualifications. As a result, doubts may arise if anything suspicious comes to light. Documentation could also be a problem when the documents provided do not meet Visa qualifications. Applicants who fail to provide required documents for the application or present fake documents will be denied. When applicants’ claims do not tally with presented evidence, their study visa may be denied.
Proof of funds
Applicants should be able to provide evidence of their ability to pay for their first-year fees. In processing your visa application, you must prove your ability to cover your living costs. Presenting friends or an extended relative as your sponsor can raise a red flag. So also, presenting an account with money that was transferred a few days before applying. Falsified proof of funds or bank statements leads to automatic disqualification.

Suspicious source of funds
The Source of funds can be seen as suspicious when one’s sponsor has affiliations with people of questionable character or a questionable source of income. This is mostly the case if it is a business partner who may be providing the money for the sponsorship. As a result, one’s study visa application may be denied.
Applicant’s social media
If an applicant’s social media portrays illicit behaviors, drug use, or ‘night-life’ common among younger generations, the consul may question the intentions and seriousness of the applicant and may be forced to disregard their application based on these factors. As a result, applicants are advised to stay clear of anything that goes against the norms of the country you are applying to.
There has been an overabundance of student visa rejections in Canada due to an increase in Canada Student Visa applications. Approximately 30% of student visa applications for Canada are rejected each year, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Although a visa denial may be a result of other reasons, these are some of the most frequent reasons for student visa denial. Want to ensure a seamless visa application? Click here to use our services!
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