The inadmissibility to immigrate to Canada must be noted for all applicants included in the application. Families who are accompanying you to Canada or who are included in an application for a visa face the risk of the entire application being refused if there is a criminal conviction or a medical condition that could prevent them from entering the country. Immigration to Canada can be hampered by inadmissibility, but there are ways to overcome this barrier and gain entry.

Criminal Inadmissibility

An individual convicted of, or convicted of a crime in their home country may be inadmissible to Canada if that crime has an equivalent under Canadian law. Not all criminal convictions and crimes are grounds for inadmissibility to Canada. The crime has to be of a certain degree of seriousness. One common reason for criminal inadmissibility is a DUI charge. People with one or more recent convictions for driving while intoxicated are likely to be turned away from entering Canada. Other crimes that can cause criminal inadmissibility include theft, reckless driving, and assault.