Would you like to pursue a new career in Canada? To work legally in Canada as a foreigner, you will need a Canadian work visa.


Many foreign nationals seeking employment opportunities choose Canada as their home. In addition to a diverse and robust economy, the country is known for its high standards of workplace safety and competitive wages, and many opportunities for professional growth. As an added benefit, working in Canada is an excellent way to begin the process of permanent immigration.


Foreign workers apply for visas every year not only for the job opportunities and the exceptional benefits that come with them but also for the new prospects they will find in one of the world’s most multicultural and welcoming countries. In Canada, full-time workers earn an average salary of $54,630 per year, and due to Canada’s low unemployment rate of just 7.5 percent, there are a lot of chances to find good jobs compared to other countries.


To work in Canada, it is necessary to ensure that a person has the proper authorization, as engaging in work without the proper authorization can have serious consequences on future immigration applications. Read below to learn more about the various options for immigrating to Canada as a temporary or permanent worker!


Benefits of working in Canada


Canada offers many benefits to workers. Various laws and regulations ensure the well-being of Canadian workers, including a high degree of workplace safety. In addition, Canadian wages are competitive, and foreign nationals are required to be paid the same as Canadians.


Several Canadian work permits allow for spouses and children to accompany the workers to Canada. Those seeking permanent residence in Canada may also gain greater eligibility for many Canadian permanent residency programs by gaining Canadian work experience. These programs award value for Canadian work experience in varying degrees:


  • Express Entry
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
  • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
  • Quebec Immigration Programs
  • Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program


Types of Canadian work permits


There are two major types of work permits in Canada:


Types of Work Permits

The Open Work Permit, under which programs such as the International Experience Canada (working tourist visa); and The International Mobility Program operate; and

The Employer-Specific Work Permit under which numerous streams are processed depending on the applicant’s job offer.


There are several options for obtaining a Canadian work permit. For some work permits, the Canadian employer must provide a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), while for others, there must be some connection to Canada (previous education, spousal sponsorship). You can find the appropriate work permit for your qualifications by reviewing the categories below:


The following category requires a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)


Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)

LMIA Work Permits

Facilitated LMIA (Quebec)

Global Talent Stream


This category does not require an LMIA but requires a job offer or employment contract


International Mobility Program (IMP)

LMIA-Exempt Work Permits

NAFTA Work Permits

CETA Work Permits

Intra-Company Transfers


This category is called Open Work Permits (no job offer or LMIA required)


Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP)

Spousal Sponsorship from Inside of Canada

International Experience Canada (IEC)

Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP)

Spouse Accompanying International Student