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As the academic journey progresses beyond undergraduate studies, one often considers employment or further education. Canada is one of the top study destinations for Nigerians, which isn’t surprising since 31 Canadian Universities are among the world’s best in 2024, Source: Times Higher Education. However, for individuals with a second-class lower or a 2.2 CGPA, the path to a Master’s program may seem challenging. This guide will explore universities that accept 2.2 grades for Masters in Canada, providing valuable options for individuals interested in postgraduate programs in Canada. Additionally, we will discuss actionable steps to enhance your chances of getting admission to a Master’s degree, regardless of your B.Sc CGPA.

Canadian universities maintain stringent admission standards for graduate programs, typically requiring a minimum CGPA of 70-75%, equivalent to 3.5/5.0 on the CGPA grading system, also called 2.2 grades, used by most institutions in Nigeria. Admissions processes tend to favour applicants with grades exceeding this minimum, particularly for research-based programs. Additionally, most institutions do not accept Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) for Masters in Canada, insisting on a 4-year BSc degree. 

It takes a strategic approach to get admitted to a Master’s program in Canada with a below-average B.Sc CGPA.

Here are some actionable steps to enhance your chances of studying Masters in Canada with a 2.2:

Build a Robust Research Portfolio:

– Develop a comprehensive research and publications portfolio to showcase your academic engagement and contribution to your field.

– Endeavor to secure a Supervisor for a research-based Masters program, demonstrating your commitment to scholarly pursuits.

Gain Relevant Work Experience:

– Acquire related work experience that highlights your professional competence and aligns with your academic aspirations. This will increase your chances of studying Masters in Canada with a 2.2 grade.

– Emphasize practical expertise to supplement academic credentials and demonstrate real-world application.

Explore Lower-Ranked Schools for Masters in Canada:

– Consider applying to lower-ranked schools that may have more flexible admission criteria, providing a potential pathway for entry.

Excel in Standardized Tests:

– Write and excel in standardized tests such as GMAT or GRE, especially if they are required for your chosen course of study.

– A strong performance in these tests can increase your chances and bolster your overall application for a Masters in Canada.

Craft Compelling Application Documents: 

– Prepare meticulously detailed documents, including a standout Curriculum Vitae (CV), a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP), and impactful Reference Letters.

– Ensure these documents eloquently communicate your academic and professional journey, emphasizing your potential beyond grades.

Strategically Choose Universities that accept 2.2 grades for Masters in Canada:

– Be cautious when selecting universities, avoiding those that heavily emphasize CGPA as a primary admission factor.

– Also, explore institutions with a more holistic approach to admissions, recognizing diverse strengths beyond academic metrics.

Consider Art or Humanities for your Masters in Canada:

– If applicable to your career goals, explore programs in Art or Humanities, as these disciplines often consider applicants with lower CGPA.

Align with Self-Skills and Expertise:

– Generally, graduating with a 2.2 grade doesn’t have to stop you from studying Masters in Canada. Choose courses that align with your self-skills, work experience, and expertise, emphasizing your ability to contribute meaningfully to the program.

 – Consider business courses that leverage your practical skills and professional background.

Below is the list of Schools that accept 2.2 for Masters in Canada

  • Dalhousie University
  • University Canada West
  • International Business University
  • Royal Roads University
  • Memorial University Newfoundland

View our Partner schools here for more schools.

Remember, this isn’t an exhaustive list! Consider these strategies and personalize your application to showcase your well-rounded capabilities. Doing so can significantly improve your chances of securing a Master’s program in Canada despite having a 2.2 grade.

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